It’s been awhile since my last entry because I’ve had a tough time finding things that piss me off.
Scratch that.
There are so many things that are pissing me off, that I have to mitigate them a bit, lest the Missus get sick of my bullshit.
I told myself I would try to make this blog apolitical, but asking that is like asking me to stop eating cookies. I love cookies. Cookie monster ain’t got nothin’ on me. I love talking shit about politics, it’s practically a family sport. When my family gets together it’s like a bunch of Rabbis arguing over the Talmud or bunch of bears fighting over a fish. Sometimes we argue from a point of view that isn’t our own, just to make it interesting.
So, you ask, what is bothering me today? I’ll tell you what churns my gullet and chaps my hide; the elections. I’m sick of them already. To me, it’s just two different flavors of the same shit.
“Would you like peach flavored shit or strawberry flavored shit?”
No matter how you flavor it, it’s the same old shit. Faecal matter by any other name should smell so bad.
While I’m sincerely disgusted by the rhetoric from both parties, I’m even more disgusted by the ignorance of the American populace. Those who know me, know this is a recurring theme in my work. I make no bones about my misanthropic bent; as a matter of fact I wear it like a badge of honor. I am never surprised by the stupidity and ignorance that flows from the pieholes of the bipedal cattle that inhabit this country; yet every time a spokesperson for the genetically damaged opens their mouth I act as if this is something new, as if this utterance has shattered my entire worldview.
She ate the Ubermensch |
Every year, it seems the electorate becomes dumber and dumber, and worse yet, we celebrate the stupidity and ignorance of the common man. Americans laud the supposedly wise, sagacious everyman, who knows the world through an innate lens of practicality, who stands in opposition to the effete intellectual who processes the world through theory and method. The common man is born with an innate sense of right. His moral compass is installed by God at birth, he does not spend time in the impractical pursuit of thinking, he is about action!
Practicality is valued more than intellect. Practicality is “useful” whereas intellect is daydreaming and theory. Practical knowledge is conflated with applied knowledge.
By nature some people are more easily manipulated than others. Those that wield the Noble Lie know that it is a weapon that works best on those that are frightened and dumb. Like the animals that cower at the sound of thunder, or Unfrozen Caveman Lawyers. The wielders of such power rely on the ignorance of the masses. The hatred of intellectual life or book larnin’ gives the Liar the medium in which the lie will grow. Ignorance is the Agar in the petri dish of mass opinion, it feeds and strengthens the lie allowing it grow and spread. The Lie is an infection of the mind spread through close contact. The lie mutates like a virus, modifying its genetic makeup to better suit the host.
The only way to kill the virus is through intellectual integrity and truth, but in our current age of internet bullshit, plastic fuckery and simulated intellectualism, it’s difficult to kill off the half-truths and lies. Then again, many of those being lied to would have it no other way. The lie gives comfort and verifies what they already “knew.” The Lie gives them the feeling of being superior to the experts and the pointy headed intellectuals. The Lie helps them sleep at night by verifying their delusions and quieting the voices in their head that tell them are slowly going mad. It changes their biases and prejudices into accepted party platforms and gives them the ability to relax and escape from the real life that surrounds them.
There’s no way to argue with these people or try to show them the errors in logic or truth, they pass it off as being “you truth” or they want to “agree to disagree’ which really means fuck you, you’re wrong.
And that is why we are doomed.
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