"Whether it's Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated. Being an idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you're rewarded significantly."As the remarks became public, the famewhore and vortex of feces that is Kim Kardashian shot back via her Twitter account, her favorite mode of communication since she can’t actually think beyond a few words. She trotted out her “businesswoman” credentials and tried to take the high road. I couldn’t even read the statement because her whiny baby voice was playing out in my head (you must see this.) It’s amazing how she went from fame-craving cockring, dangling from Ray J.'s dick, to legitimate businesswoman. But that’s America for you.
Nearly every generation since the founding of America has claimed that the nation’s moral fiber is being debased. I’m in my forties and I remember when Punk Rock was considered to be the downfall of society. Even Quincy thought that mohawked, leather clad punks would eventually plunge us into a Road Warrior society.

But today, there is so much stupidity it’s as if our society manufactures it like Hostess Zingers (yummm.) Zingers are sweet and fluffy and delicious, but when you eat one, or ten in my case, you feel guilty about the fact that it is absolute shit; devoid of any type of nutrition and a contributor to a host of health problems.
America loves a fucking idiot. I’m not talking about a character in the “wise fool” category such as Br’er Rabbit. I’m talking about the type of person who says and does things that make any regular person think: “That person is a fucking idiot!” The crazy part is that the followers of idiots like Kimmy K. and her entire family, don’t see their own folly. They long for the spotlight and don’t care who they have to blow to get it. What’s worse is that Kimmy’s own mother has no problem with it. It’s sad to think that a generation of women has succumbed to the notion that it’s acceptable to be as sleazy as possible as long as you get paid. I guess this is what passes as third wave feminism.
People like Kim K. are the equivalent of Zingers, except the creamy filling has been replaced with putrified flesh. Kim’s very presence poisons the well. She will say that she “doesn’t care what people think” about her which means that you cannot criticize her. If you do, you are considered a hater.
In the end, this will be nothing more than a bump in the road for Kimmy. Her visage will continue to confront us everywhere, its trowel-applied makeup making it appear as if we are being watched by a design on a sheet cake. She will bombard us with perfume that smells like ass and clothing for the sleazy girlfriends of douchebags who long to be MMA fighters. She’ll marry another baller, and spread her syphilitic tentacles through our culture until her face begins to wrinkle like a catcher’s mitt and she finally fades away. As far as Jon Hamm goes: I salute you sir!
So the true question....is she the idiot or is just a hairy armenian??
ReplyDeleteHere is the proof:
Jamgochian is armenian.
Kardachian is armenian.
all people with "IAN" as the last four letters in their last names are armenian.
Jamgochian is extremely hairy.
Jamgochian is hairy and armenian therefore all armenian's are hairy.
Therefore Kardachians must use a lot of NAIR!
Do you think it works?? :)
Your logic is impeccable!
ReplyDeleteShe is one hairy mother fucker. Sex with her would be like fucking a yak!
Poppymann that is freakin' hysterical sir. LMAO