Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekly wrap up

Damn my 'roids itch
It was a big week in assholiness and fucktardery. There was a bunch of gay bashing going on by a bunch  of hateful loonies that call themselves Christians. One of them is a Bible-toting mouthbreather in North Carolina who thinks if if your son acts a little fay, you should smack the shit out of 'em. Personally I think that any adult that advocates smacking a kid and uses the bible as a reason should be chainwhipped by a pack of angry bikers. 

How can your hate this person?
Add to this, a group calling themselves the Million Moms (which is probably financed by two old white guys) has come out against JCPenney (or JCP as the kids say) for having what appears to be a same-sex couple in their ads. First they went after the ads with Ellen, which is like kicking a puppy, and now this. My pops always said there's a fine line between naivete and ignorance. This is just plain fucking ignorance with a capital F. Then again these people believe you can catch the Geighness from being around them. Sort of like catching a cold, or Tuberculosis. Everyone knows that boys can only catch the Geighness by drinking Evian, watching Joan Crawford movies and singing a lot of Judy Garland songs. For girls it comes from too much softball, which we know is the Devil's game; and pants. PANTS for God's sake. DO NOT LET YOUR GIRL CHILLUN WEAR PANTS! They are of the Devil. 

Also on the shitbird front. 
'Nuff Said
Ted Nugent opened his gaping piehole and provided further proof that the motherfucker is not only a douchebag, but someone who would be better off back in the good old days when women stayed home and cooked breakfast and the Darkies stayed on their side of town, singing Negro spirituals. Everytime  he opens his mouth, a stench-filled ball of ignorance-infused faeces emerges. Ted Nugent is a Dragon who spews a mixture of bile, vitriol and dogshit instead of flames. 

Plus his music sucks. 

On a sad note. MC Adam Yausch passed away. I was always a fan of the Beastie Boys, mainly for their ability to go out on a limb and try new stuff.

Fly free my fuzzy friend!
Also, Falling Bear, the Colorado bear that became an overnight meme was hit by a car and died. How does some not see a big fucking bear in the middle of the road? 

Maybe it was Ted Nugent.


  1. well written. Does the bear picture represent a friendly neighborhood lynching....? Looks like a bunch of Texans to me. maybe thought he was an "illegal".

  2. After having lived in the mountain west, I can say that bears, buffalo, elk, deer (you get the idea here) have a death wish and often seem to taunt each other to see who is going to run out into the road first. Bastards, I swear they stand on the side of the road and push each other as cars zoom by at break neck speed. Remember until a 1999 Montana had no fixed speed limit human fatalities were down, but I'm guessing dumb-ass animal deaths were up because they aren't very good judges of speed and distance.
