Monday, November 26, 2012

E-cards suck!

God! I hate E-cards. Not the fun ones like Hoops and Yoyo, I’m talking about the ones with the vintage illustration and the lame attempt at a witty bon mot that usually ends in “fuck you.” These things are everywhere and they are clogging up my Facebook feed.  The problem is that one person likes it and then they share it and then I’ve got three or four copies of the same thing in my feed. These cards are nothing more than electronic gonorrhea masquerading as wit -- an attempt to channel Oscar Wilde’s spirit into a rationalization for being a narcissistic asshole.  

While Dorothy Parker famously said:” if you can’t say anything nice, sit next to me,” the new maxim could be, if you want to couch your hatred for your kids, write an e-card.  They’re hackneyed and annoying and I seriously doubt Oscar Wilde would approve. Does he even have a Facebook page?


  1. Oscar Wilde has a Facebook page, but the funny thing is that he doesn't look any older in his profile picture.

  2. But somewhere in the attic is his picture that ages ever so slowly
